About the Streams plugin category


Using the Streams plugin, front-end developers are able to use the Javascript API to save information in “streams”. Each stream has a few standard fields:

  • publisherId, which refers to the user publishing the stream
  • name, which typically starts with the type of the stream
  • type, which is typically namespaced (e.g. "Chess/game" or "Places/interest") and determines many things about the stream, including how the data is handled
  • title and icon, which are to like the “cover of a book” and used in Stream preview tools, with names like "Chess/game/preview"
  • content, which is a human-readable summary of what the stream contains
  • attributes, which is a JSON-formatted object, usually containing namespaced keys and values, such as '{"Places/interest/foo": "bar", "Chess/game/foo": "baz"}

Storing information in streams comes with many benefits per stream: