Error when setting up my qbix app

I am setting up my first app and ran into this issue (after setting the platform paths and copying the MyApp dir) when running:

php First/scripts/Q/configure.php First


ParseError: syntax error, unexpected token “,”, expecting “)” in /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/First/handlers/MyApp/after/Q_configure.php:30

Stack trace:

#0 /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/platform/classes/Q.php(1161): Q::includeFile(‘handlers/MyApp/…’, Array, true)

#1 /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/platform/classes/Q.php(1061): Q::handle(‘MyApp/after/Q_c…’, Array, false, NULL)

#2 /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/platform/classes/Q/Bootstrap.php(322): Q::event(‘Q/configure’, Array, ‘after’)

#3 /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/platform/Q.php(122): Q_Bootstrap::configure()

#4 /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/First/scripts/ include(‘/Users/zattack/…’)

#5 /Users/zattack/Projects/qp/First/scripts/Q/configure.php(16): include(‘/Users/zattack/…’)

#6 {main}

in ()

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! This has been promptly fixed. Please pull the latest changeset from

You can either start the tutorial over, or replace the line 30 in First/handlers/MyApp/after/Q_configure.php with the following:

Q::log("Query $connection on shard \"$shard\":\n$params[sql]\n(duration: $duration ms)\n\n");
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That was fast! Thanks!

There is also a issue with the first step in the docs. The paths files are different than what is shown there and in the tutorial video

Yes, we need to update the tutorial videos. This is just one of many things that still needs to happen before we can release to the mass market. As you know, we’re current raising money for this and other initiatives.

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