The Capabilities Of Qbix Platform

Qbix Platform is a construction kit for creating online community apps to help your members connect over common interests, collaborate and get things done together. It can help automate collecting money, promote your events, and reward members for bringing new guests.

Whether you have an existing website, blog, Facebook group, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube channel, or just starting from scratch, Qbix can help you turn your audience into a community. You can either enhance your existing website, build a new one, or even release your own apps in the store.

Rather than have to organize everything yourself, give your members a tool to organize things on their own. This video shows the kind of apps you can build with the Qbix Platform.

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00:00 Intro.
00:32 Portal overview.
02:29 Creating and Managing Events
03:09 Payments using the App credits
05:18 Have your own community Software.
07:35 Monetizing your content.
09:36 Reaching out to people after an Event.
10:51 Purchasing Credits on the platform
12:38 Privacy settings on the platform
14:00 Event Group Photos And Adding Contacts
15:32 Presentations during events.
20:11 Build your profile on the platform
20:57 Filtering your community.
21:23 Create and Manage your own show.
24:34 Video conferencing.
25:55 Community Management.
26:44 Event and Group Rides.
28:39 Subscribe to the calendar
29:57 Creating Events
31:25 Discussions and chats on your site.
32:23 Scanning QR codes
33:43 Benefits of the platform.
36:11 Keeping in touch in the community
38:19 Building your content for your community.
41:02 Online Courses and Materials.