Growing Your Community

Qbix Platform was built to power communities of many kinds, including schools, coaching programs, podcasts, political campaigns, movements etc.

When you have a community, you want to attract the right people, to grow it and improve its value for everyone. You want to convey to others how valuable the network is and the results can be.

We will be launching a course soon, designed to take your communities, sign-ups and memberships to the next level.

Right now, you might have some valuable life experience, many years spent on skills that can save other people a lot of time. You might already have produced some course materials and even begun selling them to your prospects. But there is so much more you can do, to rise above 99% of your competitors:

  1. Revenues. How do you collect money reliably from people around the world? We’ve built tools to help with price discovery so you can organically attract the people willing to pay the most for your programs, and develop new, higher-level mastermind programs tailored to the needs of your most dedicated members.

  2. Referrals. How do you motivate people to invite their friends, and provide good testimonials for your community? Commissions and rewards are just the beginning. We built tools that help find the people who got the most out of your program, and help you organize group projects they can showcase to the world. First, we help you interview them one-one. Then, we help them unite together and make it easy for them to deliver powerful testimonials to others in your space.

  1. Memberships. People’s most precious resource is time. Let them unlock membership levels money can’t buy. We help businesses build a Value Ladder that organically rewards people for going through their programs. Imagine each step of the ladder being free to get started with, and only charging people when they see the value. Graduation from a level helps unlock future levels.

  2. Alumni. How well do you engage people who graduated from your program? You can turn them into an army of evangelists, making it easier to fill any next class, conference or event. When you have a properly designed social value ladder and membership system, it helps identify the people getting the most value from your programs, bring them together, and empower them to become your most valuable mentors and evangelists. Let them start their own chapters, their own shows, and set up a franchise that they fan license.

  1. Public Perception. Imagine if people organically found your events, conferences and programs valuable, without you having to tell them. Having your own app software helps drive home the value — not just of your programs — but of your alumni network, the high-value individuals who actually went through your programs and now arrange office hours and mentorship through your app and brand. Imagine if people were proud of being allowed to bring a +2 of their choice. They can show off their access to your exclusive events and venues during “demo days” and conferences designed to get new people to engage with the top of your funnel — free value and materials that will get some people motivated to sign up with your next cohort, as the friend who invited them once did.

All this goes way beyond regular PR, which many companies offer to do for you. Sure, it’s good to get articles in respected third-party publications, so people can find out what you’re about, but it’s much better when it’s tightly integrated with your own app, programs and brand.


So right now, you might already have produced a lot of good content. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to give it all to YouTube, and hope it will drive some traffic or monetize for a few cents on the dollar? Are you going to let give all your hard-earned connections and followers to be managed by a middleman platform like Twitter? These Big Tech platforms just going to call the shots, push publishers around, and siphon revenue, traffic and brand recognition that could have been yours.

We encourage you to post all your long-form content on your own site, and sell it there. We help engage your community to create clips and highlights. That short-form content can be posted as teasers on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, with a link to your site where you can build brand loyalty, proprietary network effects, and reach critical mass. Reward your most-engaged members, and empower them to become mentors and leaders following your methodologies in their local communities. Start a movement, grow your franchise, spread your message.

If you’re interested to find out more, tell us about your project and community, and schedule a free consutation about how we might be able to help.

We only take on a few clients at a time — prioritizing the ones we can help the most. But we are also preparing a course and an online channel to teach people all about how to grow their brand, their revenues and empower their community through having their own, branded app. We’ll walk you through exactly how you can get hundreds of thousands of dollars in free credits, from cloud providers and other services, and how to turn those free fredits into actual revenue. And we’ll partner with you to drive traffic to your business.

We’ll also be inviting people with the most interesting and impactful communities on our channel, which reaches several million fellow community leaders through our app. We do not accept paid advertising — we only select people who would deliver the most value to our audience. We will especially promote those who graduate from our free programs having demonstrated mastery. See how it works? We use the very tools we are teaching, to grow our own movement. So if you like what you see, feel free to get in touch.